Susanne Okamoto
Selected Solo Exhibitions
- Open House At The Mill, Open Studios, Manayunk, PA, November 2008 – 2012.
- Gallery At The Annisquam Exchange, Annisquam Village, MA, June 2007.
- Trimbur Henry Gallery, Doylestown, PA, May 2006.
- Moore Galleries At The Kimmel Center, Philadelphia. PA, January-May 2004.
- Rosenfeld Gallery, Philadelphia, PA, May 2003.
- Abington Art Center, Abington. PA, October 2001.
- Artforms Gallery Manayunk, Philadelphia, Pa, New Paintings, 2001.
- Artforms Gallery Manayunk, Philadelphia, PA, Exquisite Details, 1998.
- Artforms Gallery Manayunk, Philadelphia, PA, The Box Series, 1996.
- Markeim Art Center, Haddonfield, NJ, In Search Of Symbols, 1994.
- Loyola College Art Gallery, Baltimore, MD, Different Views, 1993.
- Kirkbride Gallery, Institute Of Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia, PA, Paintings, Prints And Drawings, With Sculptor Lucretia Robbins, 1993.
- Cliveden Carriage House, Philadelphia, PA, Prints And Drawings, 1991.
- Muse Gallery, Philadelphia, PA 1985, 1987.
Selected Group Exhibitions
- Temple Judea Museum. Keneseth Israel Synagogue, Elkins Park. “Art As Tikkun Olam” April – June 2013.
- Immaculata University Invitational Art Show, Immaculata, PA 2011.
- Barnstone Gallery, PWCS Phoenixville, PA 2011.
- Woodmere Art Museum, Contemporary Voices, January 2010. Award.
- Abington Art Center Annual Juried Exhibition, December 2009.
- The Philip And Muriel Berman Museum of Art at Ursinus College, Philadelphia Watercolor Society 109th International Exhibition. Collegeville. PA, September 2009.
- Trimbur Henry Gallery, Artists Invitational, Doylestown, PA June/July 2005, 2006.
- Rosenfeld Gallery, Small Works Show, Philadelphia, PA, December 2004.
- Main Line Art Center, Living With Art, Haverford, PA, October, 2004, 2005.
- The Copley Society Members Juried Exhibition, Boston, MA., Spring &Fall 2004. Award.
- Rosenfeld Gallery, Small Works Show, Philadelphia, December 2003.
- US Artists, The Armory, Philadelphia, PA. November 2003.
- Main Line Center For The Arts, Spring Invitational, Haverford, PA, May, 2003.
- Moore College Of Art & Design, Philadelphia, PA, Muse 25th Anniversary Exhibit, 2003.
- Wayne Art Center, Wayne, PA, 2002 National Juried Exhibition, 2002.
- Krasdale Gallery, New York, NY and Burlington Community College, Reflect and Respond; Artists Respond to 9/11. 2002.
- Moore College Of Art & Design, Philadelphia, Pa, Alumni Exhibition, 2001.
- Delaware Center for the Contemporary Arts, Wilmington, DE 1998.
- Beaver College, Glenside, PA, Works on Paper, 1998.
- Philadelphia Art Alliance, Philadelphia, PA, Identity, 1998.
- Steinbaum Krauss Gallery, New York, NY, Hung Out to Dry Invitational, 1997.
- Muse Gallery, Philadelphia, PA, Women Revisioning The Sacred, 1997.
- Artforms Gallery Manayunk, Philadelphia, PA, Internal/External, 1996.
- Villanova University Art Gallery, Villanova, PA, Spiritual Connections, 1996.
- Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, NJ, 1996.
- Cheltenham Center for the Arts, Cheltenham, PA., 54th Annual Award Exhibition, 1995. Award.
- Artforms Gallery, Manayunk Pa. Small Works/Big Ideas, 1995. Award.
- Doylestown Art League, Doylestown, PA. 1993. Open Juried Show. Award.
- Schumacher Gallery, Capital University, Columbus, Ohio, Works of Faith ’93, Purchase Prize, 1993.
- 6th Annual Ecclesiastical Exhibit, Historic Trinity Lutheran Church, Detroit, MI. Purchase Prize.
- Rosenberg Gallery, Goucher College, Baltimore, MD, and University of Maryland, College Park, MD, Woman as Protagonist, Catalogue, 1992.
- Noyes Museum, Oceanville, Nj, Philadelphia Watercolor Club 73rd Exhibit, Catalogue, 1992. Award.
- Viillanova University Art Gallery, Villanova, PA, Celebrations of the Spirit, Purchase Prize, 1991.
- Payne Gallery, Moravian College, Bethlehem, PA, National Print Show, 1991.
- Soho 20, “Made In Philadelphia”, New York, NY, 1987.
- Cheltenham Art Center, Cheltenham, PA, Annual Awards Painting Exhibition, 1987. Award.
- Philadelphia Art Alliance, Contemporary Philadelphia Painting, 1987, Catalogue.
- Woodmere Art Museum, Philadelphia, PA, Philadelphia Watercolor Club, Award, 1986.
- Woodmere Museum, Contemporary Voices, January 2010. Award.
- Director’s First Place Award, Copley Society, Boston MA, October, 2004.
- Juror’s Award, Artforms Gallery Annual Juried Exhibition, 1999.
- Wayne Art Center National Juried Show, Wayne, PA, 1997. Newman Gallery Award.
- Cheltenham Art Center, Cheltenham, PA, 54th Annual Exhibition, 1996.
- Juror’s Award, Artforms Gallery, Philadelphia, PA, Small Works, Big Ideas, 1995. Juror: Richard Torchia.
- Patron’s Award In Prints, Doylestown Art League ’93 Juried Show, Doylestown, PA.
- Purchase Award, 6th Ecclesiastical Exhibit, Historic Trinity Lutheran Church, Detroit, MI.
- Award For Excellence, Philadelphia Watercolor Club, Noyes Museum, 1992.
- Award For Multi Media, Celebrations of the Spirit, Villanova University Gallery, 1991.
- Award For Watercolor Painting, Woodmere Art Museum, 1987.
- Award For Watercolor Painting, Perkins Center For The Art, 1986.
- Award For Watercolor Painting, Artillery Gallery, Discovery ’86, 1986.
- Purchase Award, University Museum, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, 1985.
- Heicklen Bogash Award, Main Line Center for the Art Exhibition, 1985.
- Moore College of Art, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA.
- University of Bridgeport, Bridgeport, CT.
- Watercolor painting and drawing 1984-Present.
- Watercolor painting in cooperation with Abington Parks and Recreation Program.
- Ardsley Community Center, Abington, PA , 1996 – Present.
- Misspillion Art League, Watercolor Seminar, October 2006, 2007.
- Abington Art Center, Abington, PA, Seminar, 1995.
- Oreland Art Center, Oreland, PA, 1984 – 1995.
- Senior Adults for Greater Achievement, Ambler, PA, 1995-1996.
Private Collections
- St, Paul’s Lutheran Church, Glenside, PA.
- Powell, Trachtman, Logan, Carrle, Bowman, and Lombardo, Attorneys, King Of Prussia, PA.
- Reston Dental Arts, Ashburn, VA.
- Peco Telecommunications Group, Bryn Mawr, PA.
- NCO Financial Group, Blue Bell, PA.
- Historic Lutheran Trinity Church, Detroit, Michigan.
- Villanova University, Villanova, PA.
- Wte Inc., Bedford, MA.
- University Museum of Indiana University Of Pennsylvania, Indiana, PA
Publications And Media
- Journal Of Financial Service Professionals, Cover Art:
July 2004 Vol. 58,
January 2005, Vol. 59,
November 2008, Vol .62. - Philadelphia Inquirer, “Stealing a Piece of One’s Soul”.
- Featured Letter to the Editor, March 10, 1998.
- Art Matters, “Pioneer Feminist Artist Shows at Artforms”. February 1997.
- Daughters Of Sarah, “Raise up a Child….”, Sept. 1990.
- “A Different Heaven and Earth”, July 1989.
- Women Artists News, “Painting; an Outreach”, Spring/Summer, 1989.
- Art and Artists, “In the Shadow of the Big Apple”, February 1988.
- Contemporary Women’s Artists Engagement Calendar, Bo-Tree Productions, 1988.
- WHYY Public Radio Interview, Christianne Villancourt, Report on Muse With Gallery Artists, aired on “Fresh Air” And “91 Report,” 1986.
- Donohoe, Victoria, Art Review, Philadelphia Inquirer, May 14, 2006.
- Sozanski, Edward J. “Art”, Philadelphia Inquirer, April 27, 2001.
- Sozanski, Edward J. “Art”, Philadelphia Inquirer, April 17, 1998.
- Rice, Robin, “Art”, City Paper, April 17, 1998.
- Sozanski, Edward, Living Religion with Art, “Women Challenge the Old Notions of Divinity”, Philadelphia Inquirer, Sunday, January 26, 1997.
- Lauter, Estella, “Women As Mythmakers Revisited “Quadrant, 23rd Volume, August, 1990.
- Simon, Clair And Mary Hopkins, Women And Her Symbols, Video Series, Quaker Video, 1990.
- “Personality In The Arts,” Glenside News/Times Chronicle, May 17, 1989.
- Bregman, Lillian, “Art: Flying The Co-Op,” Philadelphia Magazine, October, 1988.
- Sozanski, Edward J. “On Galleries,” Philadelphia Inquirer, April 16, 1987.
- Shultes, Anne, Emphasis, “In Her Own Dimension,” Daily Intelligencer/Montgomery County Record, March 20, 1987.
- Raymond, Nolo. “Symmetry And Symbol” Art Matters, June, 1987.
- Hopkins, Mary. “Philadelphia Stories, Susanne Okamoto” Women Artist News, Summer, 1987.
- Donohue, Victoria. “On Galleries” Philadelphia Inquirer, May 4, 1985.
Related Activities
- Guest Speaker Wyncote Women’s Organization. “Getting Here from There, Feminism and the Visual Arts”. April 2006.
- Guest Critic, ACX (Artists’ Cultural Exchange), Abington, PA, November, 2001.
- Panel Speaker, “Women Revisioning the Sacred”, Women’s Caucus for Art, 1997.
- Founding Member Artforms Gallery Manayunk, 106 Levering Street, Philadelphia, PA 19127, 1995.
- Director, Muse Gallery, 1986-87.
- Artist Member of Rotary International Group Study Commission to Wales. 9/16/93-10/16/93.
- Designer/Coordinator: “The Quilt Project” Glenside United Church Of Christ, Glenside, PA.
- Juror, Lehigh Art Alliance 52nd Annual Exhibition, Allentown Art Museum, Allentown, PA. 7th Annual Art Exhibit, Delaware County Women’s Conference, Media, PA.
Guest Lecturer
- Pleasantville UCC 2006 Spring Retreat.
- Doylestown Art League, Doylestown, PA,
- Moore College of Art, Philadelphia, PA.
- Japan American Student Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
- Abington High School, South Campus, Abington, PA, Wyncote Women’s League.
- Watercolor Painting and Drawing, 1984-Present.
- Watercolor painting as part of the Abington Parks and Recreation Program.
- Ardsley Community Center, Abington, PA, 1996 – Present.
- Misspillion Art League, Watercolor Seminar, October, 2006, 2007.
- Abington Art Center, Abington, PA, Seminar, 1995.
- Oreland Art Center, Oreland, PA, 1984 – 1995.
- Senior Adults For Greater Achievement, Ambler, PA, 1995-1996.