- Woodmere Museum, Contemporary Voices, January 2010. Award.
- Director’s First Place Award, Copley Society, Boston MA, October, 2004.
- Juror’s Award, Artforms Gallery Annual Juried Exhibition, 1999.
- Wayne Art Center National Juried Show, Wayne, PA, 1997. Newman Gallery Award.
- Cheltenham Art Center, Cheltenham, PA, 54th Annual Exhibition, 1996.
- Juror’s Award, Artforms Gallery, Philadelphia, PA, Small Works, Big Ideas, 1995. Juror: Richard Torchia.
- Patron’s Award In Prints, Doylestown Art League ’93 Juried Show, Doylestown, PA.
- Purchase Award, 6th Ecclesiastical Exhibit, Historic Trinity Lutheran Church, Detroit, MI.
- Award For Excellence, Philadelphia Watercolor Club, Noyes Museum, 1992.
- Award For Multi Media, Celebrations of the Spirit, Villanova University Gallery, 1991.
- Award For Watercolor Painting, Woodmere Art Museum, 1987.
- Award For Watercolor Painting, Perkins Center For The Art, 1986.
- Award For Watercolor Painting, Artillery Gallery, Discovery ’86, 1986.
- Purchase Award, University Museum, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, 1985.
- Heicklen Bogash Award, Main Line Center for the Art Exhibition, 1985.